2 min read

Connecting a Docker Container to an OpenVPN Server

Connecting a Docker Container to an OpenVPN Server

To connect a Docker container to an OpenVPN server for network access, you can follow these steps. This assumes that you have a working OpenVPN configuration file and an OpenVPN server to connect to.


  1. A working OpenVPN server.
  2. A .ovpn configuration file that you will use to connect to the OpenVPN server.
  3. Docker installed on your machine.

1. Create an OpenVPN client configuration file:

  • Obtain the client configuration file (.ovpn) from your OpenVPN server administrator.
  • Place this file in a directory on your host machine that you can map as a volume in the Docker container.

2. Create a Docker container with the OpenVPN client:

  • Use an OpenVPN client image like openvpn/openvpn-as.
  • Mount the directory containing the client configuration file as a volume.
  • Run the container, passing the necessary environment variables and arguments to connect to your OpenVPN server.

Example using docker-compose.yml:Code

name: home-vpn
        container_name: openvpn-as
            - NET_ADMIN
            - 943:943
            - 443:443
            - 1194:1194/udp
            - /config:/openvpn
        image: openvpn/openvpn-as
  • Replace /config with the actual path to the directory containing your .ovpn file.

3. Connect other containers to the VPN network:

  • Use the --network container:<container_name> flag when creating other containers to connect them to the network namespace of the OpenVPN client container.

Example using docker-compose.yml:Code

    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/firefox:latest
    container_name: firefox
      - seccomp:unconfined #optional
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Etc/UTC
      - FIREFOX_CLI=https://www.omkarbabrekar.com/
      - 3000:3000
      - 3001:3001
    shm_size: "1gb"
    restart: unless-stopped
    name: openvpn-as
    external: true
  • Replace openvpn-as with the name of the OpenVPN client container you created earlier.

And there you have it! 🎉 With just a few tweaks and a dash of Docker magic, you've now got your containers cruising securely through your VPN tunnel. No more sleepless nights worrying about unprotected traffic! Whether you're working on side projects or building the next big thing, this setup has your back. So go ahead, spin up your containers, grab your favorite beverage, and enjoy that sweet, sweet encrypted traffic. Happy coding, and may your networks be forever secure! 🔒🐳🚀